Structure Fire 200 Block M St |Anderson, SC
Anderson, SC| Centerville Fire Department and Medshore Ambulance Service responded to the 200 block of M St for a structure...
Anderson, SC| Centerville Fire Department and Medshore Ambulance Service responded to the 200 block of M St for a structure...
Honea Path, SC| Honea Path Fire Department, Medshore Ambulance Service, and Anderson County EMS Paramedic responded to Russell Dr, Honea...
Anderson, SC| An early morning fire on Cherry Seed Road sent multiple patients to the hospital. One was airlifted to...
Pelzer, SC| West Pelzer Fire Department, Medshore Ambulance Service, and Anderson County EMS Paramedic responded to Lockaby Rd for a...
Anderson, SC| NewLife Fellowship of Anderson has donated numerous boxes of MREs (Meals Ready to Eat) to the relief efforts...